Readers of the various, great Substacks on Covid-19, and hopefully of Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s magnum opus, The Real Anthony Fauci, plus other great writers (most of them acknowledged in Kennedy’s book), you all must wonder, what should be done.
I saw you on Twitter and complimented you on the outline of this article.
And came to check out your Substack. I read your bio on Twitter and here too and can see you are both a patriot, libertarian and a humanitarian. And are putting a lot of thought into how to get back to some sanity.
I've been doing this obsessively for the last 4 years since the 1st lockdown destroyed my business, what I'd built up for years, and wiped me out insisting I belonged in the "non-essential" category of humanity. That term still raises my blood pressure.
At some point, I think when I realized the lockdowns were not going to end after 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I asked myself "Who has the power to lockdown 4.5 billion people like this?"
Of course the questions never ended after that.
I have come to the conclusion that humanity is under attack, in fact I call it the War on Humanity, which is orchestrated by the richest people in the world, the International Money Cartel, the Monarchies, the Billionaires and their Transnational Criminal Cartel, which we know as the World Economic Forum, this group along with their useful idiots are the true power behind the United Nations, which through the Sustainable Development Goals, which created Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030, they are trying to use this blueprint for totalitarianism to force humanity into a dystopian digital prison planet, by rolling out internationally what this group has helped the CCP perfect in China.
China is not only the industrial manufacturing hub for global Monopoly Capitalism, but it is the test lab for developing their totalitarian methodologies. E.g. the lockdowns for 'viruses' started in China - 2003 with SARS-1 was their first trial, and Xi Jinping personally implemented and led the Chinese lockdowns, showing the communists around the world how to lock everyone down.
My point to outlining this is that we are under attack from the World Communism Alliance - this is the organized power attacking humanity. But the true communists at the top of the world are the International bankers, the monarchies and billionaires, because they run the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism - both of which are just a globalized gigantic and parasitic wealth extraction machine for transferring the control of all of the economy, politics and society into the hands of the 1% at the top, allows the 9% of useful idiots to take the rich crumbs from the table, while beggaring the 90% by stripping their wealth and transferring it up the Pyramid of Power. This is communism in action.
We have been 'educated' to think that communism is something that happened in Russia, China, and places like Vietnam - which incidentally all use central banks and the state banks to control all means of production and strip the wealth from their citizen-slaves, but the ugly and inconvenient truth is the real communists are our own home grown fascists at the top, the bankers, monarchies and billionaire oligarchs who want it all. These are the true totalitarian parasites, and the true deplorables and useless eaters.
I think that the only way that humanity, and the common man, is going to fight off this evil of World Communism, which is embedded into the international institutions and they are ramming it down our throats through Top Down Tryanny, is that we need to do many things, like your suggestions on restoring public health, but more than this we need a global organization that can rise up and match the World Economic Forum, and works with and for humanity to defeat their Evil.
Licensing provides a level of assurance of credentialed competency. Malpractice insurance is an after the fact way of seeking compensatory damages through a court.
I would add withdraw from the WHO and I’d put remove indemnity protection from all Pharma vaccines at the top of the list. Great list of action points overall!
fantastic ideas. commenting to subscribe
Great ideas. Thanks so much for this thinking!
Hi Roleigh,
I saw you on Twitter and complimented you on the outline of this article.
And came to check out your Substack. I read your bio on Twitter and here too and can see you are both a patriot, libertarian and a humanitarian. And are putting a lot of thought into how to get back to some sanity.
I've been doing this obsessively for the last 4 years since the 1st lockdown destroyed my business, what I'd built up for years, and wiped me out insisting I belonged in the "non-essential" category of humanity. That term still raises my blood pressure.
At some point, I think when I realized the lockdowns were not going to end after 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I asked myself "Who has the power to lockdown 4.5 billion people like this?"
Of course the questions never ended after that.
I have come to the conclusion that humanity is under attack, in fact I call it the War on Humanity, which is orchestrated by the richest people in the world, the International Money Cartel, the Monarchies, the Billionaires and their Transnational Criminal Cartel, which we know as the World Economic Forum, this group along with their useful idiots are the true power behind the United Nations, which through the Sustainable Development Goals, which created Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030, they are trying to use this blueprint for totalitarianism to force humanity into a dystopian digital prison planet, by rolling out internationally what this group has helped the CCP perfect in China.
China is not only the industrial manufacturing hub for global Monopoly Capitalism, but it is the test lab for developing their totalitarian methodologies. E.g. the lockdowns for 'viruses' started in China - 2003 with SARS-1 was their first trial, and Xi Jinping personally implemented and led the Chinese lockdowns, showing the communists around the world how to lock everyone down.
My point to outlining this is that we are under attack from the World Communism Alliance - this is the organized power attacking humanity. But the true communists at the top of the world are the International bankers, the monarchies and billionaires, because they run the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism - both of which are just a globalized gigantic and parasitic wealth extraction machine for transferring the control of all of the economy, politics and society into the hands of the 1% at the top, allows the 9% of useful idiots to take the rich crumbs from the table, while beggaring the 90% by stripping their wealth and transferring it up the Pyramid of Power. This is communism in action.
We have been 'educated' to think that communism is something that happened in Russia, China, and places like Vietnam - which incidentally all use central banks and the state banks to control all means of production and strip the wealth from their citizen-slaves, but the ugly and inconvenient truth is the real communists are our own home grown fascists at the top, the bankers, monarchies and billionaire oligarchs who want it all. These are the true totalitarian parasites, and the true deplorables and useless eaters.
I think that the only way that humanity, and the common man, is going to fight off this evil of World Communism, which is embedded into the international institutions and they are ramming it down our throats through Top Down Tryanny, is that we need to do many things, like your suggestions on restoring public health, but more than this we need a global organization that can rise up and match the World Economic Forum, and works with and for humanity to defeat their Evil.
You'd be a great man to have on that team.
Ivan, thanks! Do you live in the USA? It would be fun to talk to you on the phone. DM me on Twitter, ok? What's your handle there?
Hey sorry for the slow response - for some reason I didn't get a notification.
Will leave you a DM on Twitter now. I am an Aussie but I live in Asia. A chat on the phone is always welcome -
Let me ask a serious question, and it may sound silly, but I am serious.
Why is medical licensing necessary in a world where doctors must carry malpractice insurance?
Licensing provides a level of assurance of credentialed competency. Malpractice insurance is an after the fact way of seeking compensatory damages through a court.
I would add withdraw from the WHO and I’d put remove indemnity protection from all Pharma vaccines at the top of the list. Great list of action points overall!